A migraine is an intense, throbbing pain. Migraines can also cause nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. In Chinese Medicine, Migraine is caused by three differentiations. First, its caused by liver tension, stress. Second, its caused by anemia, deficiency of blood. Third, its caused by toxin accumulated from improper diet and weak digestive system. Treatment includes acupuncture and herbal supplements.
Supplements and Chinese Herbal Formula
2. Xiao-yao Wan
Acupuncturists have been an integral part of my team of health practitioners for twenty-five years. Following a severe spinal injury twenty-seven years ago...
March 25, 2014
Acupuncture with Qiying Jiang has brought me much relief and has greatly impacted my journey to healing and recovery for a better life. As a patient...
March 20, 2014