My journey to health would not have been complete without the help of Dr. Qi.
Five years ago I had lost 20 pounds and 3 pints of blood within a month. In addition to that, I suffered severe anxiety & depression. I still remember the day I walked into Dr. Qi’s office, and she ushered me in for my first round of “cupping”.
She also treated me with acupuncture and herbs. After 3 months, I was stabilized enough to have the surgery I needed to remove a bleeding tumor.
Because of Dr. Qi, I did not have to have a hysterectomy!
What an amazing “healer” she is!
Margi K.
I had never had acupuncture before and did not know what to expect. With each visit, I relaxed more. When I’m done, I feel like I’m in a euphoria & floating. It is such a good feeling. I am sleeping at night so much better. A very deep sound sleep. I am so happy with Dr. Qi & acupuncture.
MaryAnn L.
June 2, 2012
I’ve known Dr. Jiang for 12 years now! She treated my sister Ely after a stroke. Acupuncture is one of the biggest things that has helped her. Plus the herb supplements helped put her blood pressure in control, sleep peacefully, & have better digestion.
To me, it’s like a miracle.
Carmen M.
March 2014
I have witnessed many great things that Dr. Qi has been able to accomplish with healing for myself, my family and many patients. I have worked for Dr. Qi since April 2007, and she has helped my well-being thru-out the years. She has helped my knees with pain alleviated from acupuncture. Also she has many supplements that are pure and natural that have been a great help too. I love the strawberry aloe vera that helps the digestive system and has helped my stomach when I have had a lot of stress. I swear by this product and always have it on hand at home when I need help with my stomach. As far as the many patients that she treated over the years, I have witnessed miracles happen! Many patients she has treated over the years have been helped and healed by her. She possesses much expertise & professionalism in her field, and so many people have avoided major surgery because of her acupuncture treatments. She is always gentle, kind, & caring & she has so many patients that keep coming back for maintenance treatments that go back many years. She is an expert in everything she does!
Arleta P.
Been seeing Dr. Qi and getting acupuncture for five years now. There has been nothing but a positive influence from the relationship I have had with Dr. Qi. The peacefulness, happiness, and wisdom gained simply exceed any type of environment in regard to well-being and healing. Battling chronic stress and sleep have been very important in the health of my lifestyle. Seeing Dr. Qi and going thru acupuncture has healed me tremendously, put me in a better place mentally, and showed me the importance of mental health, physical and metaphysical. From her expertise, Dr. Qi will continue to heal and give love to those needed. She is a blessing, and I am above appreciative of her being in my life.
Mark M.
In 2000, I brought my son Aldo Perez for the first time for acupuncture due to very bad back pain; I wasn’t familiar with it but thought it would be worth a try. Aldo was a teenager with a lot of back pain and two doctors prescribed medication but nothing helped him. With acupuncture he started feeling better from the first session. Eventually Dr. Qi not only treated him for back pain, but for stomach pain and also for small ulcers that were consequences of the medications doctors prescribed for his back pain and later he was treated for stress also. We are very thankful to Dr. Qiying Jiang for her enormous help and support.
I brought my daughter for the first time in 2006, and we have both been coming since then. I cannot say enough how much acupuncture and the herbs have helped both of us to remain healthy. After my immune system crashed down a few years ago, it was Dr. Qi who helped me regain my health and my strength. Thank you for the wonderful work you do!
Janet S.
After being treated by Qiying Jiang, my allergies have drastically improved as well as my balance. Jiang has helped and treated my discomfort with PMS symptoms and anxiety. My overall wellbeing has completely improved; without Jiang I would have suffered. I am forever grateful for everything Jiang has done for me, my body and my mind.
Gordana M.
P.S. I feel like a million bucks!
March 27, 2014
Dr. Jiang treated my sister Terry for almost 12 years at this point for diabetes, blood pressure, and a goiter. Every three months we shipped herbs back home to the Philippines.
Thank you! My sister is doing great!
Carmen M.
March 27, 2014
Acupuncture & herb have helped me with: diabetes, smoking, my general health!
Dr. Jiang is a wonderful doctor!
Michael P.
Dr. Jiang has amazingly healed all of my family for almost 15 years! Her acupuncture treatment has healed our son’s asthma, my wife’s sinus issues, (preventing surgery), and my many sports injuries.
She is a wonderful person who has used her skills, dedication, and wonderful kind nature to help others. This is why we have referred many of our friends to her.
The proven ancient healing method is much better than the modern fad of using drugs with their many side effects! Thanks for keeping a 50-year-old playing basketball!
Marco G.
I have known Dr. Qi for 8 years. From the beginning I felt I could trust her. She is very knowledgeable and very caring, and never makes me feel rushed when I have questions. I have learned a great deal from her and refer her to others often.
Her caring ways make me come back and now my children come to her as well. I have never trusted a doctor as much as I have trusted Dr. Qi. Now it is more like a friendship!
Denise G.
Dr. Qi is a wonderful healer. She is very knowledgeable about Chinese medicine and the flow of energy in the body. She has helped me with many health issues including menopause, back pain, shoulder surgery, and more. I have brought other family members for issues with asthma, pregnancy, and stress. This includes my husband, son, 2 daughters, daughter-in-law and now even my granddaughter.
I also recommended her to many of my friends. The relationship we have had for many years has helped me to stay well and best of all, Dr. Qi is a friend and knows my family, and cares about all of us. I would not know what we would do without her!
Noreen L.
I have enjoyed coming to see Dr. Qi to do acupuncture on me as it has been a lovely, peaceful time. I have enjoyed every session & her voice is so soft & calming for me. Acupuncture certainly has helped me a lot.
I can’t believe it has been eight years since I first came here. As long as I can walk & drive, I will continue to come to see Dr. Qi.
Your appreciative patient,
Lydia W.
For the past 10 years I have been blessed because of Dr. Qi. She has helped me overcome the fear of needles and has cured my many ailments from migraines to shoulder pain, sciatica and now plantar fasciitis. I cannot thank her enough for helping me and my family. She is a loving and nurturing doctor who I consider a very wonderful friend! Dr. Qi, thank you so much!
Ada U., Karissa, Selina, & Xavier :)
I have been seeing Dr. Qi for my left arm issue and it does not hurt anymore! Dr. Qi has been helping me so much, I had severe carpal tunnel, and I was waiting to have surgery. I instead decided to try acupuncture, and I am so glad I now do not need to have surgery! I believe in Dr. Qi and she continues to heal me. Thank you so much.
Zorick D.
Dearest Qi,
Since we first met in 1996, I have loved you and the practice of acupuncture you perform. You are such an intelligent being. Your family, your home, your music, your children, your Feng Shui—all have blessed my life.
I am so happy my friend Kathy referred me to you for acupuncture. It has helped my pain in one knee, and my shoulder and ankle as well. The second time here I experienced the extra treat of seeing colors while relaxing. Beautiful purples with blacks and bright whites. They pulsate and are very organic in shape, much like the movements of a lava lamp. I always leave your office feeling a sense of relaxation and an urge to go home and work on my art. Your office is a very happy place created for comfort and warm feelings.
Suzanne K.
Acupuncture has helped me so much. For the first time in over a decade my blood pressure was very good at my doctor’s visit. I am so happy, and I owe it all to Dr. Qiying.
Debra M.
I started coming to acupuncture after three years of uncontrolled asthma. Since coming I now have it under control. When the needles are placed, I feel a sensation first in my toes and fingers—then the sensation moves up my legs and arms, finally reaching my lungs. As it moves I become aware of each needle as it fills my whole body with a wonderful feeling and my lungs just open up with more oxygen.
Also, if I am having sinus issues at this time, the needles in my face feel like they are drawing out the sinuses. After leaving acupuncture, I feel like my whole body is renewed and cleansed and I am getting better with time.
Cindy W.
I couldn’t even lift my legs and after treatments they were healed, and I could move them again.
Kian T.
I was living with chronic stomach pain for over 2 years, and I could barely eat anything. We went to many doctors and specialists, but nothing helped. A month ago I started seeing Dr. Qi to help with the pain and I am almost completely healed now. I can finally eat again. Acupuncture has helped me immensely.
Jerry D.
I started seeing Dr. Qi almost 15+ years ago! I had horrible back pain and tried everything to relieve it….nothing worked. My aunt had come to Dr. Qi and suggested I come see her for help. I was skeptical, but I needed relief & would try anything.
Dr. Qi healed my back in 4 sessions! I am a true believer in acupuncture after my sessions. However I stopped coming for years because…life gets busy, but I’m back now & have made a decision to keep coming back! Dr. Qi has made a tremendous difference in my life and my health—she is a true healer!
John W.
March 1, 2014
I’m 56 years old and male. I have snored loudly most of my life. Three visits to Dr. Qi and since haven’t snored at all. It is truly amazing!! I truly believe the herbs and acupuncture have worked. I am less tired, have more energy, and not needing a nap in the afternoon. No sleeping in meetings or in classes either. I am a new person!!
David C.
March 18, 2014
My name is Lenore W. And I am 93 years old. I started coming to Dr. Qi after back surgery, and could not get relief from my pain. I was on prescription drugs and nothing worked. I started seeing her in 2008. With acupuncture treatments the pain has been alleviated and my whole body feels better. As a result from seeing her over the years, I get better every day. Zi am walking so much better and don’t know what I would do without the treatments. The pain is lessened and I am walking so much better everyday! My quote is: Every day is a better day!
Lenore W.
March 18, 2014
My name is Barbara L. And I have been coming to Dr. Qi since 1996 when I had my second bout with breast cancer. Acupuncture has helped me a lot from the side effects of the chemo. I get relief from the pain throughout my body and in my bones where now the cancer has spread. I also get treatment for neuropathy in my feet, which is very painful too. Even during my remission year (11) I continued to receive acupuncture treatments because it relieved so much pain in my feet. I also thrived on the herbs and supplements that have been very gentle on my system compared to the prescription drugs. I would recommend acupuncture and Dr. Qi who is very knowledgeable in her field. I have benefitted through the years from her wonderful acupuncture treatments.
Barbara L.
April 16, 2014
When I was 28 I had a major surgery due to endometriosis. Post surgery I had a hormonal Depo-Provera injection and I was so miserable and sick. I had to look for alternative ways to treat my problems. I met Dr. Qi and have since been an acupuncture and Chinese herbs devotee! Fifteen years later this is my go to treatment for everything including occasional endometriosis symptom flare-ups, back pain, headaches, common cold, sinus infections, joint pain, or even winter depression.
Dr. Qi became much more than just my acupuncturist—she became a friend, a person who helps me if I am down or not feeling well; the person who keeps my spirit up and energy flowing!
Zaneka B.
After 45 years of smoking I cannot believe I have no desire to light up! I can’t wait until tomorrow! Another day of clear breathing! I will be a client forever!
As I lay breathing deeply, my cognitive mind faded into meditation. As the energy filled me like a balloon from my feet to my head, the colors returned—first green and purple, then light blue and white. At one point it felt like something small and light was walking across my forehead. I finally realized it was electrical tingling that ended at the needle in the center of my forehead. Then tingling flowed thru me head to toe uniting mind, body, and spirit. I feel whole and energized again.
I am withdrawing off of a drug I never should have been prescribed and it has wreaked havoc on my body. The withdrawal symptoms have been terrible. Dr. Qi has helped me immensely with pain relief, detox, stress relief, & insomnia. I get the most restful nights of sleep on the days I come to see her. Thank you so much Chinese Traditional Medicine, you are a God send!
My vision improved after only one month on the vive eyes herb and the eye drops Dr. Qi gave me! The eye drops I was given by my doctor made my eyes worse! Dr. Qi knows what she is doing! Redness and itchiness are both gone now.
Kian is age 13. He has been getting cupping and acupuncture since he was 5 years old.
He loves both treatments because they relax him, he feels inspired, and they also help with his stress. People should not be afraid to get any of these treatments!
Kian T.
Dr. Qi has been a wonderful healing doctor for my shingles and chronic neurologic issues. She is a lovely person as well! And such a positive spirit and loving lady. Thank you for your wonderful healing and love!
Xoxo Rebecca
I was told by my doctor , therapist and other mental health professionals that I needed to be on medications and that alternative medicine does not work and would be setting me up for disaster. After giving conventional medicines and practices a true try for 7 years, I realized I was worse off than ever. I had been hopeful and compliant with them, hopeful and diligent in my recovery but discovered their promises were empty. My medications drove me to near death and I couldn’t stay on them any longer. The treacherous road from sever problems in mental and physical health & extreme addiction to medically prescribed medications was long, grueling, and the toughest thing I’ve ever done.
I had Dr. Qi by my side through this transition every step of the way. I am off ALL medications and have NO symptoms of mental health I once did. Alternative medicine DOES work and my life and story proves it. Thank you Dr. Qi!!! I couldn’t have achieved these goals without you.
God bless you! I want to thank you so much for healing me when I was hurt and in a lot of pain and you took that away! I am now feeling good. You are a blessing from Heaven!
Angel N.
Twenty years ago I was 8 years old when I first met Dr. Qi. I had terrible asthma and would wake up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe. I went from needing an inhaler to not ever needing one ever again after only a few sessions. I am a very active person constantly playing sports and I am blessed to have met Dr. Qi.
Thank you for everything.
Marco G.
August 5, 2020
What a joy to finally experience acupuncture with all it’s benefits. You are a real expert. I can now look arthritis in the eye and say—“Be Gone”.
My piano playing is now pain friend I intend to keep it that way.
William P.
September 10, 2020
After struggling with digestive issues for a couple of years now, I finally sought out acupuncture. Just with a few sessions I immediately noticed a difference and no longer experienced pain and discomfort because of Dr. Qiying Jiang’s expertise. Highly recommend acupuncture for overall health and digestion problems. Thank you!
Paola P.
September 10, 2020
I have struggled and suffered from back pain for awhile now, and Dr. Qiying Jiang helped reduce and heal my back pain. Overall she helped my health and energy in general. Thank you Dr. Qi!
Amelia V.
After my very first treatment I thought it was good but it didn’t seem like much had changed. Then that night I woke up int he middle of the night and realized that the pain in my shoulders was gone. That was the first time in years that I slept pain free.
Now I tell everyone to try out acupuncture!
Jason C.
Dr. Qi is amazing. She’s helped me with a lot with back pain, sinus infections, stress, and other problems. I’ve been with her for 5 years and it’s always a pleasure to come and relax plus get amazing relief.
Thank you for everything you did for me.
Love, Ewa B.
I have known and been treated by Dr. Qi for 16 years. It started off with endometriosis, but has continued for help with pregnancies, allergies, & stress. My daughter’s have been treated by her since they were babies. Dr. Qi shares a great deal of knowledge and helps one understand how the treatments work. I have never trusted another physician as much as I trust her. I am happy to call her a friend as well. I have recommended her to countless people over the years.
Denise J. G.
Dr. Qi helped me so much for extreme pain in my left thumb. When I came to her I could not even make a “C” with my thumb and first finger without pain. After several sessions I was able to put my fingers together without pain.
Thank you so much.
Karen M.
Dr. Qi has greatly improved the quality of my daily life in just three sessions. The muscle pain in my back has been so greatly reduced that I can now be flat on my back to sleep and household chores are easier because my back is more comfortable. The peacefulness of her office makes the visits a treat. God bless Dr. Qi and her healing skills!
Mary P.
For several years I’ve had severe pain and swelling in my left foot. After three sessions the pain is gone and the swelling is greatly reduced. I no longer need to take pain pills at night to sleep. I will continue to take the special herbs every day since I know they’re working. I will also continue the acupuncture treatments as needed.
Thank you Dr. Qi.
Dennis S.
Had eczema all my life. After two treatments it is much better and itching is gone and my skin is clearing up. I should do this long ago!! VERY EFFECTIVE!
I started coming to Dr. Qi in 2017. I was struggling with dizziness and floaty type head symptoms. I was also unhappy due to stress and the menopause stage. I felt relief in just three weeks from being dizzy. I continued to come every week for a few months.
Then decreased to every other week, then once per month. It is now 2022 and I come in for a tune-up every six weeks. Dr. Qi’s herbal knowledge is outstanding and now I just need minimal herbs to keep healthy and happy.
Thanks so much…you changed my life. :)
I brought my 15 year old daughter last week for two sessions. I am so thankful to Dr. Qiying for getting rid of the terrible social anxiety my daughter was experiencing in high school. My daughter is now able to talk during her class group assignments and is no longer crying about going to school. Her next steps are gaining focus and reducing her sensory processing disorder to touch.
I have all my faith in Dr. Qiying in alleviating the tormenting symptoms my daughter has been having for years.
Diana G.
Thank you Dr. Qiying for getting rid of my social anxiety! I can finally be in school and feel comfortable.
Victoria M.
My experience with acupuncture has been life changing. Our bodies need a reset in order to perform at their best ability! Food intake is important to keep healthy physically and mentally. Be kind. Give of yourself. Live life joyfully and without regret, all thing Dr. Qi discusses.
Julianna :)
I was having excruciating hip pain—month after month year after year, until finally I tried acupuncture. After about 10-15 sessions with Dr. Qi, the pain has gone. It has been 3 years now and I am still feeling great.
Thank you Dr. Qi :)
This is the third time in my life that Dr. Jiang was able to help me when traditional medicine was very limited. Dr. Jiang is an amazing woman and a healer. She is a true inspiration because she is able to be a caring mother to her children and a business woman at the same time, while bringing beautiful Chinese traditions to America.
Thank you,
For 17 years I have been receiving treatment from Dr. Jiang. I have had multiple issues treated. I am forever grateful for finding Dr. Jiang. She is not only a healer but a true friend. I wold get acupuncture every day if I could. She helps the mind and soul. I have referred my family as well and everyone has been so pleased.
Thank you, Dr. Jiang for many years treating my facial spasms. Within a few weeks of treatment they have gone away! I would recommend her to anyone who has what I suffered from, and I am very happy.
Thank you so much.
Julio J.
Dr. Qi helped cure my chronic night time charley horse that led to many nights of pain and sleeplessness. The acupuncture treatments helped me so much with all of my pain.
I have been getting acupuncture for 20 years with Dr. Qi. She’s helped me with many issues. Every fall I get sinus infections. Now I come for treatments early fall thru the holidays and I stay healthy. I used to have chronic bladder infections and now I don’t with treatments and herbs. I also had a bad fall and saw a chiropractor for it which wasn’t helping. I then had acupuncture in my forearm and the next day the pain was gone from my neck. It’s been two weeks and it’s still gone.
Love you Dr. Qi,
February 15, 2023
This was the best experience ever. I was so relaxed that I saw colors. I saw light blue with bright lime green shapes. At one point I even felt my body rise up. I am thankful I have found Dr. Qi. There is no better acupuncturist out there.
Therese D.
I had been diagnosed with and treated for a plethora of various medical conditions and I was suffering further symptoms from undiagnosed conditions as well. Some of my diagnoses include but are not limited to: PCOS, Gastroparesis, hypothyroidism, hiatal hernia, multiple fatty tumors in the stomach, gestational and pre-diabetes, spondylosis, scoliosis, and IBS-just to name a few. Not only do I no longer suffer ANY symptoms related to the above-mentioned diagnosis, but through Dr. Jiang’s knowledge and practice of acupuncture and natural herbal remedies, I also no longer need or use ANY previously prescribed medications (Rx)!!!
Thank God and God bless Dr. Jiang. The same can be said for my two daughters, ages 5 and 7, and for my husband.
After seeing a series of specialists, we were told my daughter would need surgery to remove her adenoids. Instead we chose to turn to Dr. Jiang and her acupuncture and natural remedies. Our daughter’s symptoms vanished without a trace in less than 3 sessions and just two herbal supplements; surgery is no longer necessary! I can say the same for my oldest daughter who no longer suffers from sinusitis and congestion after just one session with Dr. Jiang!!! My husband’s diagnosis is much more intricate and severe—so rather than meddle with modern Western medicine and the reality that one prescription can lead the body to be further damaged and also disrupt other organs, tissues, and lead to further symptoms—we again decided to turn to Dr. Jiang’s expertise and practice of treatment through natural means instead!
We love Dr. Jiang—she saves and restores each and every patient in every way, one session at a time!! Dr. Jiang is a real world hero and miracle worker—God continue to bless her.
Acupuncturists have been an integral part of my team of health practitioners for twenty-five years. Following a severe spinal injury twenty-seven years ago...
March 25, 2014
Acupuncture with Qiying Jiang has brought me much relief and has greatly impacted my journey to healing and recovery for a better life. As a patient...
March 20, 2014